Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall Is Here...

As we approach the wet seasons of the year, we need to remember to inspect our tire tread depth. Don't risk your safety and try to skimp by with minimal tread. Your life, your kids, other drivers, etc. are at risk when you drive on tires with tread wear falling below 4/32 of an inch.
Is it worth taking that risk?

Take a look at our tire videos at
They are well worth a few minutes of your time.

Remember, the brakes on your car stop your wheels,
the tires stop your car!

Preventative Maintenance
Don't get stranded with a failure that can be easily avoided. Please perform the recommended preventative maintenance on your vehicle. A broken drive belt will leave you needing a tow truck charge on top of the repair cost. A simple $149 repair could wind up costing you $149, plus the tow truck charge that can easily exceed $100, not to mention the time sitting on the side of the road waiting and your time missed from work or your family activities. Plan a visit today for a free vehicle inspection. We can check over your car so you can rest easy knowing you will not be faced with a problem that could have been prevented.

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